
Tools for text.

Module Attributes


A structured array type that represents a single cell in a terminal.



Parse batgrl markdown and return the minimum canvas size to fit text and a list of lines of styled characters.

_smooth_bar(blocks, max_length, proportion, ...)

Create a smooth bar with given blocks.


Convert some text to a list of lists of Cells and the minimum canvas size to fit them.

_write_lines_to_canvas(lines, canvas, ...)

Write a list of lists of Cells to a canvas array.

add_text(canvas, text, *[, fg_color, ...])

Add multiple lines of text to a view of a canvas.


Return all fields of Cell not in names.

coerce_cell(char, default)

Try to coerce a string or Cell scalar into a half-width Cell scalar.


Whether char is a word character.

new_cell([char, bold, italic, underline, ...])

Create a Cell scalar.

smooth_horizontal_bar(max_width, proportion)

Create a horizontal bar that's some proportion of max_width at an offset.

smooth_vertical_bar(max_height, proportion)

Create a vertical bar that's some proportion of max_height at an offset.

batgrl.text_tools.Cell = dtype([('char', '<U1'), ('bold', '?'), ('italic', '?'), ('underline', '?'), ('strikethrough', '?'), ('overline', '?'), ('reverse', '?'), ('fg_color', 'u1', (3,)), ('bg_color', 'u1', (3,))])#

A structured array type that represents a single cell in a terminal.

batgrl.text_tools.add_text(canvas: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[dtype(['char', '<U1', 'bold', '?', 'italic', '?', 'underline', '?', 'strikethrough', '?', 'overline', '?', 'reverse', '?', 'fg_color', 'u1', 3, 'bg_color', 'u1', 3])]], text: str, *, fg_color: Color | None = None, bg_color: Color | None = None, markdown: bool = False, truncate_text: bool = False)#

Add multiple lines of text to a view of a canvas.

If markdown is true, text can be styled using batgrl markdown. The syntax is: - italic: *this is italic text* - bold: **this is bold text** - strikethrough: ~~this is strikethrough text~~ - underlined: __this is underlined text__ - overlined: ^^this is overlined text^^

Text is added starting at first index in canvas. Every new line is added on a new row.


A 1- or 2-dimensional view of a Text canvas.


Text to add to canvas.

fg_colorColor | None, default: None

Foreground color of text. If not given, current canvas foreground color is used.

bg_colorColor | None, default: None

Background color of text. If not given, current canvas background color is used.

markdownbool, default: False

Whether to parse text for batgrl markdown.

truncate_textbool, default: False

For text that doesn’t fit on canvas, truncate text if true else raise an IndexError.

batgrl.text_tools.cell_sans(*names: str) list[str]#

Return all fields of Cell not in names.


Excluded fields of Cell.


All fields of Cell not in names.

batgrl.text_tools.coerce_cell(char: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[dtype(['char', '<U1', 'bold', '?', 'italic', '?', 'underline', '?', 'strikethrough', '?', 'overline', '?', 'reverse', '?', 'fg_color', 'u1', 3, 'bg_color', 'u1', 3])]] | str, default: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[dtype(['char', '<U1', 'bold', '?', 'italic', '?', 'underline', '?', 'strikethrough', '?', 'overline', '?', 'reverse', '?', 'fg_color', 'u1', 3, 'bg_color', 'u1', 3])]]) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[dtype(['char', '<U1', 'bold', '?', 'italic', '?', 'underline', '?', 'strikethrough', '?', 'overline', '?', 'reverse', '?', 'fg_color', 'u1', 3, 'bg_color', 'u1', 3])]]#

Try to coerce a string or Cell scalar into a half-width Cell scalar.

charNDArray[Cell] | str

The character to coerce.

defaultNDArray[Cell] | None, default: None

The fallback character (or None) if character can’t be coerced.

NDArray[Cell] | None

The coerced Cell or None if character can’t be coerced.

batgrl.text_tools.is_word_char(char: str) bool#

Whether char is a word character.

A character is a word character if it is alphanumeric or an underscore.


The char to test.


Whether the char is a word character.

batgrl.text_tools.new_cell(char: str = ' ', bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, underline: bool = False, strikethrough: bool = False, overline: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, fg_color: Color = (255, 255, 255), bg_color: Color = (0, 0, 0)) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[dtype(['char', '<U1', 'bold', '?', 'italic', '?', 'underline', '?', 'strikethrough', '?', 'overline', '?', 'reverse', '?', 'fg_color', 'u1', 3, 'bg_color', 'u1', 3])]]#

Create a Cell scalar.

A Cell is a structured array type that represents a single cell in a terminal.

charstr, default: “ “

The cell’s character.

boldbool, default: False

Whether cell is bold.

italicbool, default: False

Whether cell is italic.

underlinebool, default: False

Whether cell is underlined.

strikethroughbool, default: False

Whether cell is strikethrough.

overlinebool, default: False

Whether cell is overlined.

reversebool, default: False

Whether cell is reversed.

fg_colorColor, default: WHITE

Foreground color of cell.

bg_colorColor, default: BLACK

Background color of cell.


A Cell scalar.

batgrl.text_tools.smooth_horizontal_bar(max_width: int, proportion: float, offset: float = 0.0) tuple[str, ...]#

Create a horizontal bar that’s some proportion of max_width at an offset.

Offset bars will return a minimum of 2 characters and the first character of the bar should have it’s colors reversed.


The width of the bar if the proportion was 1.0.


The width of the bar as a proportion of the max_width.

offsetfloat, default: 0.0

Offset the bar horizontally by some non-negative amont.

tuple[str, …]

The bar as a tuple of characters.

batgrl.text_tools.smooth_vertical_bar(max_height: int, proportion: float, offset: float = 0.0, reversed: bool = False) tuple[str, ...]#

Create a vertical bar that’s some proportion of max_height at an offset.

Offset bars will return a minimum of 2 characters and the first character of the bar should have it’s colors reversed (or, if bar is reversed, all colors should be reversed except first character).


The height of the bar if proportion was 1.0.


The height of the bar as a proportion of the max_height.

offsetfloat, default: 0.0

Offset the bar vertically by some non-negative amount.

reversedbool, default: False

Reversed vertical bar is drawn top-to-bottom and offset downwards.

tuple[str, …]

The bar as a tuple of characaters.