Movable behavior for a gadget.
Movable behavior for a gadget. |
- class batgrl.gadgets.behaviors.movable.Movable(*, allow_oob=True, allow_vertical_translation=True, allow_horizontal_translation=True, is_grabbable: bool = True, ptf_on_grab: bool = False, mouse_button: Literal['left', 'middle', 'no_button', 'right'] = 'left', **kwargs)#
Movable behavior for a gadget.
Translate a gadget by clicking and dragging it.
- Parameters:
- allow_oobbool, default: False
Whether gadget can be dragged out of parent’s bounding box.
- allow_vertical_translationbool, default: True
Whether to allow vertical translation.
- allow_horizontal_translationbool, default: True
Whether to allow horizontal translation.
- is_grabbablebool, default: True
Whether grabbable behavior is enabled.
- ptf_on_grabbool, default: False
Whether the gadget will be pulled to front when grabbed.
- mouse_buttonMouseButton, default: “left”
Mouse button used for grabbing.
- Attributes:
- allow_oobbool
Whether gadget can be dragged out of parent’s bounding box.
- allow_vertical_translationbool
Whether to allow vertical translation.
- allow_horizontal_translationbool
Whether to allow horizontal translation.
- is_grabbablebool
Whether grabbable behavior is enabled.
- ptf_on_grabbool
Whether the gadget will be pulled to front when grabbed.
- mouse_buttonMouseButton
Mouse button used for grabbing.
boolWhether gadget is grabbed.
Grab the gadget.
Ungrab the gadget.
Update gadget with incoming mouse events while grabbed.
- allow_horizontal_translation: bool#
Whether to allow horizontal translation.
- allow_oob: bool#
Whether gadget can be dragged out of parent’s bounding box.
- allow_vertical_translation: bool#
Whether to allow vertical translation.
- grab(mouse_event: MouseEvent) None #
Grab gadget.
- Parameters:
- mouse_eventMouseEvent
The mouse event that grabbed the gadget.
- grab_update(mouse_event) None #
Translate movable on grab update.
- property is_grabbed: bool#
Whether gadget is grabbed.
- on_mouse(mouse_event) None #
Determine if mouse event grabs or ungrabs gadget.
- ungrab(mouse_event: MouseEvent) None #
Ungrab gadget.
- Parameters:
- mouse_eventMouseEvent
The mouse event that ungrabbed the gadget.